The Number of our Breaths is Finite
Before our birth, we are nourished with food and water while inside the womb. When we finally escape, we are awakened with our first breath. We inhale deeply and and are welcomed to the world. From that moment we are finally on our own. We embark on our journey, from our first breath until our last breath. Our last breath marks our exit from this world, our dying breath.
Between our first and last breath is the series of days and nights known as "our life". The breath continues subtly in background doing its duty with the heartbeat. The two go on together regulating our lives never asking for attention. They are utilities we take for granted, like water and electricity, never missed until they are taken from us.
We could measure our time on this planet by counting the breaths we take. It wouldn't be practical but it would be interesting. While seconds tick off our time like a monotonous metronome, our breaths highlight our lives indicate the level of our activity and emotions. Instead of an endless stream of days, our life would be a graph of our highs and lows.
I have found that the breath is an intelligent source of wisdom and guidance. My goal is to no longer ignore this basic tenet of human life. Much can be learned by studying the breath, so why do I waste time on everything else? If I could master the breath, could I master life itself? Could I become the Captain of my Soul? Could I become Lord of Breath?